Grammaria, the Google Translated Creepypastas Wiki

Playing Barium? This is the least of any man, I heard from you that you should help. This is the story I heard from my beloved.

The man has returned home, with a gift for action on behalf of his son's son. Select New Game And it was Sonic's two games he gave to his son, he just got excited about the game and got nothing. The boy and the boy are playing the clock. When the baby is ready to play for four days, the bedroom is where the father cries for the last time. He smokes and asks how he likes the game when he looks at the phone. "what's up?" When he asked the boy in the doll along with the man. The boy said he was just a few bands.

That the boy had time to sleep. After a night of reading and going to the bedroom, we met a guy in private in the theater. He said it was a chance to play "Dame Puppy." He decided to keep his bags.

This is a very sad celebration. After the game screen. A man in the morning. Then he went to bed. He went to bed at the hotel with my daughter and then to her.

When he woke up when his thumb came in, I heard the door at 2 and asked his son. He said, "Don't sleep," the boy. Experience the shadow of external explosions.

The "tail" is sick. Gradually, he got up and opened the door. Now you can say "I will never believe". This is a bad doll, gradually. The game is a trick.
